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Quick Tour

Building a community can be challenging, but Diversees can make it easy to find and connect with people working in your field, share your knowledge and expertise, and learn from others passionate about the same things as you.

Here are some of the things that you can do with Diversees:

Establish a community

You can set up a community by just typing down a unique name.

Add members

You can send invite to your colleagues to join your community.

Set up a role

You can create specific roles for your community members and assign permissions to them.

Start a discussion

You can set up a discussion to allow seamless flow of ideas. Every discussion has built-in chats and calls.

Inform your members

You can broadcast important matters to your members in real time.

Share your experience

You can share your knowledge through posts or help others to find answers to their questions.

Create a term

You can define your terminologies and use them consistently across all communications.

Bring flavor to your content

You can enhance your content through the power of markdown, or add more context by attaching files, photos, and GIF.